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    Services Offered

    Bone Densitometry (DEXA)
    A scan similar to an X-ray that quickly and accurately measures the density of bone. It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, conditions in which the bone's minerals and density are low and the risk of fracture is increased.

    Computerized Tomography (CT or CAT scan)
    A highly advanced diagnostic scan using computer-enhanced X-rays. CT scans show images of areas surrounded by bone and can also help doctors see details within tissues, such as organs and blood vessels. CT scans are much clearer and more detailed than ordinary X-rays and can often detect certain problems at an earlier stage.

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    A highly advanced diagnostic technique which combines radio frequency waves, computers and a powerful magnetic field to produce high-quality images of the body's internal tissues. These images help physicians diagnose specific medical conditions.

    Nuclear Medicine
    A type of medical imaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material (called tracers) to help diagnose and/or treat a variety of conditions or diseases. Nuclear medicine scans give doctors important information about how various parts of the body are working.

    A diagnostic medical imaging technique using sound waves to visualize muscles, tendons, tissues and many internal organs. Imagery can show size, structure and/or abnormalities with real-time images.
    An imaging technique that uses invisible energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones and organs.


    Breast Services

    3D Mammography
    A specialized medical imaging technique that uses low-dose X-rays to see breast tissue. 3D mammography captures layered images of the breast at different angles to create a clear 3D reconstruction of the breast. This technique allows physicians to see images of the breast in layers, improving visibility and detection of breast tumors. It also reduces the frequency of “false positives” and the need for additional testing.
    • Screening Mammograms - Annual screening mammograms are recommended for women who are 40 years or older, or for younger women with specific risk factors for breast cancer. You don’t have to have any signs or symptoms of a breast abnormality in order to receive a screening; they are used for the early detection of breast cancer and other breast health issues. 
    • Diagnostic Mammograms - You will be referred for this type of mammogram if you have an abnormality on your screening mammogram or if you have a breast mass or other breast change (found during a breast self-exam or by your physician). Diagnostic imaging may include mammograms with extra compression or magnification, mammograms shot from different angles, or breast ultrasound.

    For more information about our services and scheduling exams, please call our radiology scheduling line at 618-943-7221.